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Cast of Characters


I. United States of Europe (USE)

USE Government

Abrabanel, Rebecca "Becky"

Wife of Mike Stearns; USE senator; head of USE embassy to the Netherlands

Grady, Maureen

Head of USE Department of Social Services

Hesse-Kassel, Wilhelm V

Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel

Hesse-Kassel, Amalie

Landgravine of Hesse-Kassel; wife of Wilhelm V

Mailey, Melissa

Senior advisor to Rita (Stearns) Simpson in USE embassy to England; prisoner in the Tower of London

Piazza, Edward Vincent "Ed"

Successor of Mike Stearns as president of the State of Thuringia-Franconia

Saxe-Weimar, Ernst, duke of

Brother of Wilhelm Wettin; regent for Gustav II Adolf in the Upper Palatinate

Saxe-Weimar, Wilhelm IV, duke of

See: Wettin, Wilhelm

Simpson, Rita

USE ambassador to England; wife of Tom Simpson; sister of Mike Stearns; prisoner in the Tower of London

Stearns, Mike

Prime minister of the USE; husband of Rebecca Abrabanel

Vasa, Gustav II Adolf

King of Sweden; Emperor of the United States of Europe; also known as Gustavus Adolphus

Vasa, Kristina

Daughter and heir of Gustav II Adolf

Wettin, Wilhelm

Formerly Wilhelm IV, duke of Saxe-Weimar; abdicated in favor of his brother Albrecht to run for the House of Commons in the USE Parliament; head of political opposition to Mike Stearns

Zimmermann, David

Secretary to Mike Stearns in Magdeburg; former professor of languages at the University of Jena

USE Army, regular forces

Engler, Thorsten

Sergeant in USE Army; fiancé of Caroline Platzer; later Imperial Count of Narnia

Fey, Christopher "Kit"

USE Army, left as garrison commander at Hamburg

Gjervan, Olav

USE Army, gunner in flying artillery units

Higgins, Jeff

Soldier, USE Army, assigned to embassy to Amsterdam; husband of Gretchen Richter

Jackson, Frank

USE Army general, aide to General Torstensson

Krenz, Eric

USE Army, assigned to flying artillery units

Mason, Gayle

USE Army radio specialist with the USE embassy to England; imprisoned in the Tower of London

Mavrinac, Erik

USE Army officer

McCarthy, Darryl

USE Army soldier; member of USE embassy to England, imprisoned in the Tower of London; betrothed to Victoria Short

Meincke, Raymond

USE Army, gun crew member in flying artillery units;

Reschly, Markus "Mark"

USE Army, lieutenant in flying artillery units

Simpson, Thomas "Tom" III

USE Army captain, assigned to USE embassy in England; husband of Rita Stearns; son of John and Mary Simpson; prisoner in the Tower of London

Straley, Len USE Army, colonel of flying artillery units

Thorpe, Bryan

Englishman, colonel serving under Torstensson

Torstensson, Lennart

Swedish general, top commander of the military forces of the United States of Europe

Witty, Carl

Captain, USE Army

USE Army, special commando unit

Fuhrmann, Gerd

USE Army, member of Harry Lefferts' unit

Grabnar, Matija

USE Army, member of Harry Lefferts' unit

Lefferts, Harry

Captain, USE Army, head of commando team sent to the Tower of London

Kasza, Felix

USE Army, member of Harry Lefferts' unit

Maczka, Paul

USE Army, member of Harry Lefferts' unit

Maddox, Sherrilyn

USE Army, member of Harry Lefferts' unit

Ohde, Donald

USE Army, member of Harry Lefferts' unit

Sutherland, George

USE Army, member of Harry Lefferts' unit; husband of Juliet Sutherland

Sutherland, Juliet

USE Army, member of Harry Lefferts' unit; wife of George Sutherland

USE Navy

Baumgartner, C.H.

Captain, USE Navy, commander of SSIM Achates

Cantrell, Edward "Eddie"

Lieutenant, USE Navy; prisoner in Denmark

Chomse, Franz-Leo

Lieutenant, USE Navy, aide to Admiral Simpson

Halberstat, Franz

USE Navy, captain of SSIM Constitution

Halvorsen, Kjell

USE Navy ensign

Henderson, Richard

USE Navy commodore

Mülbers, Wolfgang

USE Navy, captain of SSIM Ajax

Simpson, John Chandler

USE Navy admiral

USE Air Force

Krueger, Friedrich "Freddy"

USE Air Force sergeant

Martin, Enterprise

USE Air Force pilot

Martin, Endeavor

USE Air Force pilot

Wood, Joseph Jesse "der Adler"

Colonel, in command of the USE Air Force

Woodsill, Eugene "Woody"

USE Air Force pilot

Weissenbach, Ernst

USE Air Force pilot

USE Marine Corps

Probst, Leberecht

USE Marine Corps lieutenant

USE Civilian

Achterhof, Gunther

Leader of Committee of Correspondence in Magdeburg

Anhalt-Zerbst-Dessau, Anna Sophia of

The dowager countess of Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt, patroness of social work activities in Magdeburg

Ferrara, Greg

Chemist and industrialist; former high school chemistry teacher in Grantville

Hamers, Juan

Merchant ship captain

Jefferson, Anne

Nurse in Amsterdam, engaged to Adam Olearius

Mackay, Julie (Sims)

Sharpshooter; wife of Alex Mackay

Mackay, Alexander "Alex"

Cavalry officer in the army of Gustavus Adolphus; on extended leave in Scotland

Platzer, Caroline Ann

Social worker in Magdeburg; companion for Princess Kristina; betrothed to Thorsten Engler

Richter, Gretchen

CoC organizer; in Amsterdam; wife of Jeff Higgins

Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt, Emelie, countess of

Wife of Count Ludwig Guenther of Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt; supporter of social work activities in Magdeburg

Schwarzburg- Rudolstadt, Ludwig count of

Conducting a Lutheran colloquy in Magdeburg on behalf of Gustav II Adolf Guenther,

Simpson, Mary

Wife of John Chandler Simpson; patron of the arts

Sims, Julie

See: Mackay, Julie

Smith, Henry "Hal," Sr.

Airplane manufacturer in Grantville

Stiteler, Robert

Coal gas plant worker, Magdeburg

Ulrike, Lady

Lady-in-waiting and governess of Princess Kristina

Underwood, Quentin B.

Co-owner of coal gas works in Magdeburg; developer of the Wietze oil field; former mine manager in Grantville; political supporter of Wilhelm Wettin


II. Other Nations


Banér, Johan Gustafsson

Swedish general

Ekstrom, Nils

Swedish colonel, aide-de-camp to Gustav II Adolf, brother to Sigvard

Ekstrom, Sigvard

Swedish colonel, aide-de-camp to Gustav II Adolf, brother to Nils

Oxenstierna, Axel

Swedish chancellor, chief advisor of Gustav II Adolf


Anne Cathrine

Oldest daughter of Christian IV by his morganatic marriage to Kirsten Munk; "king's daughter" but not "princess"

Christian IV

King of Denmark

Norddahl, Baldur

Norwegian adventurer and engineer in Danish service


Prince of Denmark; youngest son of Christian IV in the line of succession


Boyle, Richard

Earl of Cork; English politician opposed to Thomas Wentworth

Charles I

King of England; member of the Stuart dynasty

Cork, earl of

See: Richard Boyle

Cromwell, Oliver

Prisoner in the Tower of London

Henrietta Maria

Queen of England; sister of Louis XIII of France

Hamilton, Stephen

Captain of the Yeomen Warders at the Tower of London; patriarch of the Short/Hayes family group

Hayes, Jack

Son of Patricia Hayes

Hayes, Patricia (Short)

Aunt of Andrew Short; sister-in-law of Stephen Hamilton

Langscarr, Henry

Lieutenant of the Tower of London, deputy of Sir Francis Windebank

Laud, William

Archbishop of Canterbury

Leebrick, Anthony

Mercenary captain employed by Charles I of England

Lytle, Elizabeth

Lover of Captain Anthony Leebrick

Pindar, Paul, Sir

English politician; supporter of Boyle

Porter, Endymion, Sir

English politician; supporter of Boyle

Short, Andrew

Yeoman Warder, Tower of London

Short, Elizabeth (Crane)

Wife of Andrew Short

Short, Isabel (Thurlow)

Mother of Andrew, John, William, Mary, Catherine, and Victoria Short; widow

Short, John

Yeoman Warder; brother of Andrew Short

Short, Victoria

Sister of Andrew Short; betrothed to Darryl McCarthy

Short, William

Yeoman Warder; brother of Andrew Short

Towson, Richard

Mercenary officer employed by Charles I of England

Welch, Patrick

Mercenary officer employed by Charles I of England

Wentworth, Elizabeth

Wife of Thomas Wentworth, earl of Strafford

Wentworth, Thomas, earl of Strafford

Head minister for Charles I of England

Windebank, Francis, Sir

English politician, opponent of Strafford; becomes Constable of the Tower of London



See: Valois, Charles de

Budes, Jean-Baptiste, comte de Guébriant

French army officer

De la Mothe-Houdancourt, Philippe

French cavalry officer serving under Turenne

De la Porte, Charles

French army general

De la Valette, Bernard de Nogaret, duc d'Epernon

French army general

Du Barry, Robert

French officer under Turenne, in charge of technological projects

Du Bouvard, Anatole

French officer supervising scuba divers on the Elbe

Gaston Jean-Baptiste, duc d'Orleans

Younger brother of King Louis XIII; heir to the throne so long as Louis has no children; opponent of Richelieu; commonly called "Monsieur Gaston"

Gassion, Jean de

French cavalry officer serving under Turenne

Gosling, Guilherme

French cavalry officer, adjutant to Guébriant

Guébriant, Jean Baptiste Budes, comte de

Budes, Jean-Baptiste Budes

Kanoffski von Langendorff, Friedrich Ludwig

Close associate of Bernhard of Saxe-Weimar

Lefebvre, Francois

French cavalry officer serving under Turenne

Louis XIII

King of France

Maillé, Urbain de

French officer, married to Cardinal Richelieu's sister

Olier, Léandre

French officer supervising scuba divers on the Elbe

Richelieu, Armand Jean du Plessis de

Cardinal; first minister of Louis XIII

Saxe-Weimar, Bernhard, duke of

Brother of Wilhelm Wettin; in French employ with his army in Swabia, the Franche-Comte, and the Breisgau

Servien, Etienne

Intendant in the service of Richelieu

Thibault, Yves

French armaments designer and manufacturer

Turenne, Henri de la Tour d'Auvergne, vicomte de

French cavalry general

Valois, Charles de, duc d'Angoulême

French general, commander of the forces besieging Luebeck

Netherlands and Spain

Fernando, Don

Commander of Spanish military forces in the Netherlands; younger brother of King Philip IV of Spain; nephew of Infanta Isabella Clara Eugenia; known as the "cardinal-infante"

Fourment, Helena

Second wife of Pieter Paul Rubens

Fredrik Hendrik

Stadholder of the Netherlands; head of the House of Orange

Isabella Clara Eugenia

Infanta of Spain; Daughter of Philip II; widow of Archduke Albrecht of Austria; regent of the Spanish Netherlands

Manrique, Miguel de

Military adviser to Don Fernando, the cardinal-infante

O'Neill, Owen Roe

Irishman serving in the Spanish army in the Netherlands; adviser to Don Fernando

Olivares, Gaspar de Guzman, count-duke of

Head minister and favorite of Philip IV of Spain

Oquendo, Antonio de

Spanish admiral

Olearius, Adam

Diplomat in Amsterdam; fiancé of Anne Jefferson

Philip IV

King of Spain; older brother of Don Fernando

Rubens, Pieter Paul

Diplomat and artist; adviser of Don Fernando

Scaglia, Alessandro

Diplomat; adviser to Infanta Isabella Clara Eugenia


Hempel, Rolf

Gunnery captain on Hamburg's fortifications

John George I, elector of Saxony

Opponent of Gustavus II Adolphus



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