[We present to you for the first time translated into English, the remarkable and exciting news from Doctor Erasmus Faustus, as originally printed in the Fraenkische Wochenzeitung.]
By vows to God and from pious reflection, this humble man offers to mankind the secret story of the princely metal of Zink which can now be told. The Lord has revealed this hidden weapon in the fight of life force against its enemies. In prophetic words, I will utter things hidden from the foundation of the world. The Americans know of these things, and to us they speak freely, for they are persuaded that none of these things are to be hidden from us. These things are not done in a corner.
Practitioners of the Work of Alchemy have long known Venus' copper marries well with the crackling thunderbolt of Jupiter's tin to yield Bronze. Paracelsus warned in dark words of the danger in confusing Bronze with Brass and now we know the source of this confusion. Hear now how Zink differs from Tin, for it works through unsung power instead and its marriage to the Cyprian metal brings forth Brass, easily as shiny as Bronze, but allowing the timbre of the copper to sing felicitously. Zink loses not its masculinity with such deference much as charity is the more pious with anonymity.
We have long been allied with this prince, despite its shy, yea reclusive, nature. We have long known the Red Lotion of Calamine as discovered in ancient times by the Egyptians, applied to soothe irritations of the skin. We have seen the application of the oil of vitriol to Calamine yields white vitriol and know how this agent toils against the powers of destruction and rot. So it may now be told that Zink is the vital essence and fused earth in Calamine ore. Thus it is we take another step of Ascension, growing our knowledge and ourselves. Although Zink yearns to stay humble and hidden, its strength is not diluted with revelation.
The distillation of Zink is done thusly. First the Calamine ore must be roasted to remove volatile antagonists. Second, the resulting calx is charged with Charcoal in a crucible pierced by a pipe. The crucible must be sealed tightly by lid and placed in a furnace. The Zink vapor is collected after it travels through the pipe and condensed into liquid Zink and which may thusly be cooled to solid.
To preserve its secretive nature and remain hidden, Zink fights its enemies in the air. The outermost layer sacrifices itself to form a dull armor, not the brilliant silver as when first the Zink be cast. This armor is of humble and reclusive nature, desiring not to attract attention unto itself, but it now lies in our arsenal. We may gather this armor and allow the remaining Zink to form a new shell. Collecting the twisting scrapings, called by the Americans "Zink Oxide," we shall follow Alchemical convention and name them "Flowers of Zink."
A lotion is to be made of Flowers of Zink thusly. Prepare with parts Comfrey, Lavender, Sage, and Thyme using Olive oil to make a wonderful treatment for any inflammation of the skin, including rashes, irritation from cloth, bed sores, wrinkles and burns from exposure of sensitive skin to the sun and elements, prolonged excitement of baby's skin including cradle cap or milk crust, and relief of rashes associated with many feminine discomforts.
Just as papermakers have applied white vitriol to prevent spoilage of their sizing, the princely Zink prevents other spoilage as well. It is a powerful assistant to the iatrochemist in allowing the life force in humans to fight its enemies. Hear now another fearsome weapon the American doctors use and that we might as well, butter of Zink. We may apply spirit of salt, or "Hydrochloric Acid" as the Americans say, to Zink to produce a white waxy and oily substance and also known as Zink chloride. The American alchemical symbol for this is "ZnCl2." Small applications of butter of Zink are used by Americans to remove warts and fight many other diseases of the skin that sink deeper than a mere redness. Be warned that it is caustic and will eagerly eat away at more than just warts.
Just as it fights life's enemies, Zink can do the same for the king of metals, iron. Application of Zink to iron will "Galvanize" it, allowing it to fight its enemy, rust. When iron is dipped in molten Zink, the Zink coats iron and the outermost layer of metal again sacrifices itself to make an armor to protect the rest which may be applied to most any iron product we wish to. One such application is dipping iron wire. We may use it in applications where more strength for weight is needed than can be provided by copper wire or hemp rope.
Zink is also used in construction of "elektrode buttercups" which can store the potential of elektricitate. A jar of glass shall contain a star of copper fingers mounted on the bottom. A buttercup of Zink is hung near the top. The jar may then be half filled with blue vitriol to which some water and vitriolic acid is added until the fluid reaches the buttercup. This device is called an "Earth Power Cell," obviously a harness for the fluid power found in the fight between the dark powers of the earth and the life force of thunder and lightning.
So has that which was hidden been revealed. Here ends the Secret Book of Zink.