Southern Territories Expeditionary Force
Order of Battle
Mai 1, 1106 After the Fall
5th Descott Guards 800
Major Gerrin Staenbridge (Companion)
Captain Barton Foley (Companion)
Captain Tejan M'brust (becomes Companion during The Hammer)
Senior Lieutenant Antin M'lewis (Companion)
Recruitment area: Descott County.
Insignia: a black "5" over crossed sabers.
Motto: "Hell o Zpalata" ("Hell or Plunder") across top of shield.
7th Descott Rangers 600
Major Kaltin Gruder (Companion)
Recruitment area: Descott County.
Insignia: a black "7" over a running dog.
Motto: "Fwego Erst" ("Shoot First" ) across top of shield.
1st Rogor Slashers 590
Major Mekkle Thiddo (Companion)
Senior Lieutenant Peydro Belagez (becomes Companion during The Hammer)
Recruitment area: Upper Drangosh Valley, north and east of Sandoral and in the southeastern foothills of the Oxhead Mountains.
Insignia: a black "1" on a rayed star. Motto: "Hingada thes Ihorantes" ("Death to the Infidels")
Poplanich's Own 620
Major Ehwardo Poplanich (becomes Companion during The Hammer)
A House regiment, recruited mostly from the estates of the Poplanich family (in the provinces along the Coast Range seaboard, south and west of East Residence). Officers from gentry families related to or clients of the Poplanich.
Insignia: Chrysanthemum (Poplanich sigil) on a blue background.
Motto: "Eweyz Widya" ("Always Faithful")
21st Navy Haifa Dragoons 610
Major Hemilo Istban
Recruitment area: Northeastern frontier, near the Singre mountains.
Insignia: a black "21" on a silver background, flanked by rifles.
Motto: "Singre Guzzlah" ("Blood Drinkers")
17th Hemmar Valley Cuirassiers 608
Major Anhelino Dalhouse
Captain Hermano Suharto
Recruitment area: Central Provinces, mostly the Hem-mar Valley near East Residence.
Insignia: black "17" on a light-green background. Motto: "Waymanos" ("Forward!")
(N.B. After the Southern Territories campaign, tavern brawls frequently start when members of other units say "Backwards!" in the hearing of a member of the 17th Cuirassiers.)
3rd Chongwe Dragoons 610
Major Hesus Anderson
Recruitment area: Chongwe Island, a large island in the middle Midworld Sea, and the westernmost Civil Government province.
Insignia: black "3" on blue background, over a stylized wave.
Motto: "Rahpeedo" ("Swiftly")
1st Gaur Rangers 628
Major Hingenio Buthelezi
Recruitment area: Central Provinces; upper Hemmar Valley, near the north flank of the Oxhead Mountains,
Insignia: black "1" on purple background, crossed bayoneted rifles.
Motto: "Sehuro Comphadres" ("Faithful Comrades")
18th Komar Borderers 559
Major Hadolfo Zahpata (becomes Companion during The Hammer)
Recruitment area: Central southern border country, on the frontier of the Colony and on the south flank of the Oxhead Mountains.
Insignia: black "18" on stylized sand-dune with palm tree.
Motto: "Dehfenzo Lighon" ("Defend the Faith") on the top of the shield.
Total Regular Cavalry = 5625 (9 battalions)
Skinners 600
Chief Juluk Paypan
Chief Pai-har Tradaw
Halvaardi 500
Chief Francor Genhuvaa
Stalwarts 581
Leader Hwilli Morgan
Total Irregular Cavalry = 1,681
17th Kelden County Foot
Colonel Jorg Menyez
24th Valentia Foot
Major Ferdihando Felasquez
55th Santanderr Rifles
Major Fitoriano Huarez
1st Kendrun Foot
Major Pernardho Reyez
88th Seyval Infantry
Major Franhesco Alleyman
10th Melaga Foot
Major Alfaro Orzoco
23rd Hemmar Valley Foot
Major Lazaro Trahn
71st Upper Hemmar Foot
Major Sule Mihn
1st Asaurian Mountaineers
Major Andreu Three Bears
3rd Upper Drangosh Light Infantry
Major Algrood Naxim
42ndjernelle Marines
Major Dohminko Falcones
9th Irtish Skirmishers
Major Tentito Cortinez
21st Ceres Guards
Major Omar Sherf
101st Forest Hangers
Major Nortesinho Negrotete
2nd Gurnyca Mountaineers
Senior Captain Luis Ordhaz
1st Malga Foot
Major Heanar Fillipsyn
3rd Denson Foot
Major Jenkynz Ordonto
32nd Straits Rifles
Senior Captain Daniel Villegaz
9th Hayapalco Volunteers
Major Nikros Arayfet
Total Regular Infantry = 10,721
Colonel Grammeck Dinnalsyn, commanding.
No siege guns were taken on this expedition. Thirty standard field pieces were embarked. These were 75mm (3- inch) rifled cast-steel breechloaders, with iron-bound wooden wheels and iron carriages, drawn by four pairs of dogsusually Alsatian-Newfoundland crosses. The muzzle velocity is 650 mps, with a range of approximately 4,500 meters with shell and 4000 with shrapnel. Canister (lead balls with no bursting charge) is effective to 500 meters.
Rate of fire is 3 rounds per minute. (Note: since the gun has no recoil system, it runs backward after every shot and must be manually returned to battery.)
Five mortars were also taken. These were 100mm smoothbore weapons, firing from 45 to 95 degrees. They were mounted on a modified gun-carriage with the cast-steel firing base slung under the tube.
Guns required a crew of eight, and were organized in three-gun batteries. Four of each crew had their own riding dogs, and the remainder rode on the gun, caisson, or the two lead dogs of the team.
Each battery was commanded by a Lieutenant, and included a squad of eight supplementary personnel to perform auxiliary tasks and replace casualties.
Gunners carry rifles and sabers as their personal arms; officers and noncoms also carry 5-shot revolvers.
All regular Civil Government forces were organized in battalions (Sponglish: bandata), of 500-800 men (average around 600).
A battalion was made up of companies (Sponglish: tabora) and platoons (Sponglish: campadra) of roughly 120 and 32 men each, respectively.
A battalion would normally be commanded by a Senior Captain or Major; companies by Captains or Senior Lieutenants, and platoons by Lieutenants.
Platoons were comprised of eight-man squads, commanded by a Corporal or Sergeant. Enlisted men were privates (infantry) or troopers (cavalry); there were several grades within these ranks, based on skill (e.g., "marksman"), seniority or other skills (e.g., "watch-stander," open to literate soldiers).
Each squad generally bunked and messed together, shared a tent, and in the cavalry each squad was allowed one general servant to help with fatigues. (This provision was often exceeded.)
Units larger than a battalion were organized ad hoc as situations demanded. While there was a schedule of ranks above MajorColonel, Brigadier, Brigadier General and General, with administrative titles (e.g., "Commander of Eastern Forces" )there was no permanent unit organization above the battalion.
Companies and battalions would also have their senior NCOsMaster Sergeantsand a larger formation might have one appointed by the overall commander.
The Civil Government's army still bore some traces of a period when units had been raised by provincial noblemen on their own initiative. Battalions generally had a number (denoting when they had been first mustered) and a county or district designation, showing where they had been raised. (Proprietary battalions were named for the individual who first raised them.) Recruitment was largely, although not exclusively (particularly for infantry), from the same area. Enlisted men and officers below the rank of Major almost always stayed with the same battalion throughout their careers.
In theory, all male subjects of the Civil Government were subject to military service. In practice, this had long ago been commuted to a compensatory land-tax (levied on farm units, not on the owners from whom they were generally rented), for most of the central provinces. In many frontier or upland areas the tradition of direct service continued; families were required to send one son per generation, and pay for his equipment as a cavalry trooper; service was for ten-year enlistments. In return, the family holding was exempt from tax. Those without suitable recruits could find a substitute, and volunteer enlistments from the same areaswith a substantial enlistment bonuswere also common.
Cavalry districts tended to lie on the frontiers, or in remote wilderness; Descott County alone, with about 6 percent of the Civil Government's population, furnished over 20 percent of its mounted troops. Cavalry soldiers came from the Civil Government's closest equivalent to a rural middle class: freeholders, or what in Descott were called yeoman-tenants, men renting substantial areas and able to afford riding-dogs. In other counties tenants-in-chief, overseers, and bailiffs might furnish such recruits.
Cavalry officers generally came from middling or wealthy landowning (Messer-class) families with a tradition of service to the Chair.
Infantry were effectively conscripts for the most part, or "volunteers" one step ahead of the courts, or sons of soldiers with no other trade; generally they were men their landlords were eager to see the last of. Most of them (with the exception of Asaurian units from the semi-civilized mountaineers of that County) came from the arable heartlands of the Civil Government, in the Peninsula, the Central Territories and the Hem-mar River Valley and were peonsdebt-bonded peasant sharecroppersin social status. Their main role was as garrison and internal-security troops.
Infantry troops were issued their equipment, but did not receive payment in cash unless mobilized for field service. In time of peace they were supported by moderate-sized (30 hectares, or more if the region was infertile) farms on state-owned land; this land was worked by State peons, but managed by the soldier (who often spent as much or more time helping on the farm as drilling, in consequence). When an infantry unit's base was moved, new farms were assigned.
A battalion's commander was paid a lump sum, dependent on the number of men fit for duty; an infantry commander in garrison received cash pay for his officers and senior NCOs, as well as substantially larger land-grants. Periodic musters (inspections by muster-masters sent by the Master of Soldiers) were held to check on readiness.
Cavalry and artillery troopers were paid in cash, twice yearly. Stoppages were made for replacement of equipment and for rations, where issued.
Infantry soldiers generally drew their food from their land grants, and sold the surplus for cash to pay for their uniforms and equipment. Most cavalry troopers bought their rations (and their dogs) out of their pay; many units arranged to do this by clubbing together and buying in bulk. Where sutlersmerchants specializing in the military tradewere not available, food would be issued, and the soldiers' pay debited. Many cavalry battalions had unit savings funds, mutual-benefit clubs which stored their members' money and paid funeral expenses and small pensions out of the interest. Particular commanders might also buy annuities for the disabled and the dependents of casualties.
Pay for cavalry troopers amounted to 55 FedCreds per year; this was roughly equivalent to the annual earnings of a skilled artisan such as a blacksmith. Various stoppages would generally take about 10 FedCreds off the total, but there were bonuses for seniority or for foreign service. A Master Sergeant would make twice that; Lieutenants 150 FedCreds, Captains 250, and a battalion commander 500 (plus, in some cases, the pay of men carried on the rolls after their discharge or deatha common abuse).
Many officers had at least some independent income as well, usually from landed property.
Infantry pay schedules were half those of cavalry, when in the field; an infantry private made roughly the same wages as a dockworker or bricklayer.
Plunder and bonuses. In legal theory, the persons and property of areas outside the Civil Government which refused obedience, or ones within it in case of rebellion, were forfeit. This was rarely enforced with full rigor, for political reasons. On campaign, plunder was (theoretically) collected from assigned areas by battalions after an action was complete, then shared out according to rank, length of service and accomplishments (conspicuous gallantry, etc.). Troops might be allowed to "glean" through an area already picked over. Under certain conditionse.g., refusal to surrender when summonedtowns might be turned over to the troops for a sack. Successful generals often used the proceeds of large-scale looting (e.g., sale of confiscated lands, or prisoners to the slave markets) to give cash or property donatives to the troops under their command. This was immensely popular with the troops, but frowned on by the authoritiesespecially by Governors nervous about too-popular Generals.
Most cavalry and all infantry in the Civil Government's regular forces wore a uniform of calf-high boots, buckled at the sides with two straps, rather baggy maroon-colored trousers, a blue swallow-tail jacket with a high collar, (the tails ending just above the knees) and a bowl-shaped iron helmet. Enlisted men wore a canvas belt with shoulder-strap carrying a bandolier with 125 rounds of ammunition, bayonet, canteen, and messkit. (Bayonets were worn on the left hip by infantry; cavalry wore their sabers on the left hip, and the bayonet beneath the bandolier.) Other equipment was carried on the dog, or in a blanket roll worn over the right shoulder by foot-soldiers. Cavalry helmets usually had a neck-guard of leather covered in chain-mail; line infantry went without. Officers and many cavalry troopers wore a leather belt of similar pattern with a shoulder strap. Officers wore their sabers on the left hip, pistols on the right, and carried no bandolier. Their standard equipment included binoculars, map case, and slide rule. Cloth for uniforms was generally bought either by the soldier, or by unit commanders in bulk, and made up by local tailors to central-government patterns. Cavalry uniforms were usually of much better material.
Battalions that had originally been proprietary might wear distinctive uniforms; usually these would be of different colors and better cloth than standard, and might have "extras"e.g., plumes on the helmet.
Noncommissioned rank is indicated by chevrons on the arm, of red or silver cloth. Commissioned rank is indicated by Star insignia on the epaulets and on the front of the helmet, as follows:
Lieutenant: one small seven-pointed silver star on each shoulder; one likewise on the helmet.
Senior Lieutenant: one small seven-pointed silver star on each shoulder, points enclosed in a thin gold circle. Likewise on the helmet.
Captain: As per Lieutenant, but with two stars on each shoulder and on the helmet.
Senior Captain: As per Senior Lieutenant, with two stars on each shoulder and on the helmet.
Major: Three golden stars encircled with a silver band; one of these on each shoulder and one on the helmet
Brigadier: One large eighteen-rayed silver and gold star on a blue shield, on each shoulder and on the helmet.
Brigadier General: A large eighteen-rayed silver and gold star on a blue shield, "orbited" by small silver stars; on each shoulder and on the helmet.
General: A large eighteen-rayed silver and gold star on a blue shield, "orbited" by small silver stars and enclosed by a gold band with overlaid stars at 10mm intervals; on each shoulder and on the helmet.
Dress uniform has more elaborate rank insignia, with the Star emblems on the collar, braid epaulets, cuff-braid, etc. Soldiers customarily wear the insignia of their battalions on shoulder-flashes, shield-shaped cloth badges sewn to the upper shoulder on the right arm.
All Regulars in the Expeditionary Force were equipped with the armory rifle.
This is a breech-loading, single-shot, lever-operated rifle of 11mm (approximately .45) calibre.
To operate, engage the end-loop on the trigger guard (directly to the rear of the trigger) with the thumb and press downward until the lever is at 90 degrees to the stock. The bolt will retract, ejecting the spent cartridge directly backward, and slide down. A grooved ramp on the top of the bolt surface will then act as a guide to the next round, which is pushed home with the thumb. Pull the lever back into the original position, and the bolt will come up and forward, engaging two locking lugs at the bolt-face, and the firing pin will be cocked. The weapon is now ready to fire.
Sights are a forward blade and adjustable rear notch; the weapon is sighted, rather optimistically, to 1000 meters.
There is an iron cleaning rod carried under the barrel in the forestock of the weapon.
Range is approximately 1000 meters against massed targets and 600 against individuals.
Ammunition is a wrapped-brass cartridge on an iron base, with a center-fire percussion primer; the bullet is cradled in a papier-mache wad at the upper end of the cartridge case. The cartridge is rather fragile, and care must be exertedparticularly when the weapon is hot from rapid firenot to jerk the lever too hard, as this may tear the base off the cartridge and jam the action. Drawn-brass cartridges were available but very expensive.
The bullet is unjacketed lead (lead-antimony) alloy, with a hollow-point nose driven by a 50-grain cake of compressed black powder. At battle ranges it has excellent stopping power.
The 220 mm (10-inch blade) bayonet is attached by a ring and bar system under the barrel. The bayonet is a straight single-edged sword-knife model, with the reverse edge sharpened for 50mm back from the point; the hilt is wood, with a brass strip guard.
Cavalry also carried single edged sabers as sidearms; officers of all branches of service, and artillerymen, also carried sabers. These were usually of about a meter in length, very slightly curved and suitable for thrusting as well as slashing; the blade was sharpened along the back for about 75mm back from the point. Scabbards were of wood, covered in leather and with metal chapes and mouths, worn slung from a saber-tache attached to the left side of the belt.
Officers and NCOs of cavalry and artillery, and infantry officers, also carried revolvers. These are 11mm weapons with swing-out 5 shot cylinders and fairly long barrels, firing a shorter, lighter version of the rifle bullet; they have a quite heavy kick.
Almost all troops carried privately purchased general utility knives.
Admiral Tiburcyo Gharderini, commanding:
10 steam warships. These vessels are between 1000 and 2000 tons displacement, with wooden or wood-and-wrought-iron frames and wooden hulls. They are flush-decked and 65 meters long by 11 meters maximum beam, with a single-story deckhouse and bridge amidships, pierced by the twin funnels.
Each is propelled by two 275 hp two-cylinder double-expansion steam engines; each engine drives one paddle-wheel at the midships position. The engines are coal-fired, with cylindrical three-flue riveted iron boilers, producing steam at 50 psi pressure. Salt water can be used, but requires frequent down-time to clear the pipes and boilers.
Maximum speed under steam, 11 knots.
The warships each carry two masts, schooner-rigged, and can cruise under sail at up to 8 knots with favorable winds.
Armament is six 75mm breechloading rifles per side on the upper deck or as bow and stern chasers; these are modified versions of the standard cast-steel field gun, on heavy metal pedestal mountings. Swivel-guns (25mm break-open rifles on pintles) were carried on the rails and deckhouse for use against boarders. The ships also carry a reinforced, steel-shod ram just below waterlevel on the bows. This is a very effective weapon, but its use requires great skill and if mishandled may damage the ship.
Standard crews per ship were 150, including 25 marines and 60 in the "black gang," the engine-room crew. Officers include Captain, First Mate, Second and Third Mates, Chief Engineer and Lieutenant of Marines.
Ordinary crew were recruited by conscriptionpress-gangfrom merchant sailors, as necessary; Marines were transfers from infantry units. Officers were usually townsmen of mercantile background, more literate and technically-minded than Army officers but looked down upon socially.
The several hundred transports used to carry the troops and supplies of the Expeditionary Force were wooden-built merchantmen under contract to the Civil Government, with their usual crews. Size ranges from 40 to 1500 tons, with 200-400 being average; most of the ships were three-masters, with a mixture of square and fore-and-aft sails. A half-dozen of the largest had auxiliary steam-powered paddle wheels, usually used only in calms or when entering and leaving harbors.