Worlds of Honor
In just a few short years, David Weber has shot to the forefront of science fiction! The core of his work is Honor Harrington, the toughest, smartest starship captain in the galaxy. Now Weber invites you to join him and his invitees as they explore Honor's universe. The Host and His Guests: Weber returns with a chapter in the history of the telepathic treecats, who are far more intelligent than humans realize, and with whom the right human can form a close telepathic bond that can be severed only by death. But in this case, the young human who bonded with a treecat was a Very Important Person. Specifically, she was a Manticoran crown princess and the heir to the throne of the empire.... Roland Green, author of the "Starcruiser Shenandoah" series and the "Peace Company" series, is on board with a hard-hitting account of what happened when Manticore and the People's Republic of Haven went eyeball-to-eyeball over a strategically vital planet.... Linda Evans, "Time Scout" co-author, looks at life among the treecats, before Honor.... Jane Linskold, author of the highly-praised fantasy Brother to Dragons, Companion to Owls, tells how Honor's monarch, Elizabeth III, had to learn the hard way what monarchy is all about.... Cover Art by David Mattingly |
This is a work of fiction. All the characters and events portrayed in this book are fictional, and any resemblance to real people or incidents is purely coincidental. First printing, February 1999 Distributed by Simon & Schuster Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data |
ISBN-13: 978-0-671-57855-8
Honor Harrington Novels: edited by David Weber: Mutineers' Moon with Steve White: |