Ring of Fire

Baen Free Library
Art Gallery
The Ring of Fire Series
1634: The Baltic War
1634: The Galileo Affair
1634: The Ram Rebellion
1634: The Cannon Law
Ring of Fire Anthologies
Ring of Fire
Grantville Gazette
Grantville Gazette I
Grantville Gazette II
Grantville Gazette III
Grantville Gazette Online
Joe's World Series
The Philosophical Strangler
Forward the Mage
Rivers of War Series
1812: The Rivers of War
Individual ../../Books
Mother of Demons
with Ryk Spoor
Crown of Slaves
David Weber
Pyramid Scheme
Dave Freer
The Course of Empire
with K. D. Wentworth
The Tyrant
with David Drake
The Wizard of Karres
with Mercedes Lackey and Dave Freer

Welcome to the

Two New York Times best-selling authors again join forces to continue the saga of the time-lost Americans and their epic struggle for freedom and justice against the tyrannies of the 17th century.

The Baltic War which began in the novel 1633 is still raging, and the time-lost Americans of Grantville—the West Virginia town hurled back into the seventeenth century by a mysterious cosmic accident—are caught in the middle of it. Gustavus Adolphus, King of Sweden and Emperor of the United States of Europe, prepares a counter-attack on the combined forces of France, Spain, England, and Denmark—former enemies which have allied in the League of Ostend to destroy the threat to their power that the Americans represent—which are besieging the German city of Luebeck. Elsewhere in war-torn Europe, several American plans are approaching fruition. Admiral Simpson of Grantville frantically races against time to finish the USE Navy's ironclad ships—desperately needed to break the Ostender blockade of the Baltic ports. A commando unit sent by Mike Stearns to England prepares the rescue the Americans being held in the Tower of London. In Amsterdam, Rebecca Stearns continues three-way negotiations with the Prince of Orange and the Spanish Cardinal-Infante who has conquered most of the Netherlands. And, in Copenhagen, the captured young USE naval officer Eddie Cantrell tries to persuade the King of Denmark to break with the Ostender alliance, all while pursuing a romantic involvement with one of the Danish princesses. . . .

We hope you'll enjoy this exciting new entry in the alternate history series started with Eric Flint's 1632. You'll find that ground-breaking novel, and the other volumes in this series—novels and short story collections alike—available, unencrypted on this CD, along with a honking big selection of other Baen ../../Books Eric Flint has been involved with, and even one of his ../../Books from another publisher. The unencrypted text of 1634: The Baltic War will be released on a promotional CD like this, but in a different book: The Best of Jim Baen's Universe, edited by Eric Flint, to be released only in its first printing, available July 2007. For more information on The Best of Jim Baen's Universe, click on the title.

Good reading!

—Toni Weisskopf
Publisher, Baen ../../Books

Heirs of Alexandria Series
with Mercedes Lackey
and Dave Freer
The Shadow of the Lion
This Rough Magic
A Mankind Witch
Belisarius Saga
with David Drake
An Oblique Approach
In the Heart of Darkness
Destinys shield
Fortune's Stroke
The Tide of Victory
The Dance of Time
Rats, Bats and Vats Series
with Dave Freer
Rats, Bats and Vats
The Rats the Bats and the Ugly
The World Turned Upside Down
The War Masters
Mountain Magic
Classic SF
edited by Eric Flint
A Logic Named Joe
A Plague of Demons
Interstellar Patrol
Interstellar Patrol II: The Federation of Humanity
Legions of Space
Med Ship
Pandora's Legions
Planets of Adventure
The Cold Equations
The Creatures of Man
The Lighter Side
of Keith Laumer
The Trouble With Aliens
The Witches of Karres