
Jim Baen
Baen Publishing.
In response to an e-mail alerting me to a problem with
some of my ISO images I have generated and uploaded par2 data repair
& recovery files as a temporary quick fix.
These are used to verify and if needed repair the ISO files.
I will be re uploading the entire ISO directory once I have some
other work done and have time to concentrate on this site again.
A quick note for those linking here from 'Vorkosigan Saga' on wikipedia.
I am sorry to inform you that the Cryoburn CD is no longer here.
It has been removed at the request of the author as relayed by Baen.
> Hello,
Lois Bujold is requesting that you please take down the Cryoburn CD. Thanks so much.
best wishes,
Laura Haywood-Cory
Associate Editor
Baen Books
> Laura # baen.com Replace # with @ for the address.
This is all the information I have at this time.
If I get any further information, I will share it here.
Invasion now fills the space where Cryoburn was.
As of 1-1-13 I have no further information.
I have received requests to create index pages of the series.
The later discs for the major series do an adequate job of this now.
So unless I receive further requests of a specific nature I won't be.
I am however still fixing missing files and bad links found on the discs.
In particular the mislinked RTF files on several later discs have been fixed here.
All errors however remain on the ISO images of the discs, they are unaltered.
The Baen free library link in the upper right points to the collection on Baen
This Compilation of Baen's Cds is intended to honor the Intent of both Jim Baen & Baen publishing
in their endevours to bring publishing
into the 21st century by being the modern equivalent to Gutenburg.
I have done my best to preserve both the look and feel of the Discs
their entirety. I have changed only what was necessary make the
pages function as they were originaly intended in a slightly different environment.
Clicking on the Book Images bordering
this page will take you to the original Discs
as shipped. (The
popups show the cover of the book the disc came with.) This
was done in order to be sure I preserved the original experience
the authors worked so hard to bring to us, their loyal readers.
Clicking on the name in the red banners will download the ISO image of the
disc in its original format unmodified for function here.
Originally this compilation combined the 10 released discs as of 7-4-06
when I decided to do this honorarium.
However I have decided to acknowledge that life does indeed go on
and continue to keep this collection updated as new discs come out.
My congratulations to all at Baen
publishing for a job well
done with this venture.
Disc numbering in the directory tree is from the Fifth Imperium for
consistent reference & ease of use.
Known sources for these discs are @
The fifth Imperium
Szymon Sokól Baencd collection
Allen Smith
Suramya's Mirror
The delay in release from dedication date is purely from me learning
HTML to do this project.
fans will be
happy to see the sluggy directory.
Extra links to Schlock Mercenary & Vexxar simply because I saw them on Fifth Imperium and I like them.
All Errors, omissions, glitches Etc are mine.
Courtesy of ME.
For antiSpam Please "remove me" before E-mailing me.
This address alias is used for sorting purposes and forwards to me automatically.
P.S. - Please let me know about any links that fail.
Edit done on 5-26-07 to redo the image shown for each book to that of
the cover the CD shipped with as per the request of 'Toni Weisskopf' A
Publisher at Baen, as I had apparently stepped on Mr. Mattinglys toes
Background Starscape changed for one from nasa/Kitt peak at same time for same reason. Apologies to all toes involved.